Saturday, July 6, 2013


I haven't posted this week, I have been so busy.

I tested on Sunday at 11dpiui and it was a BFN (Big Fat Negative)

I then retested on 13dpiui and another BFN. I didn't do betas because I am out of town so I continued my progesterone and estrogen until 16dpiui and retested. I would have done betas if I had gotten a second line. Another BFN. I quit the meds and AF (period) started last night. It is painful, I guess from all the meds.

This cycle we will not TTC, I will be out of town the entire cycle. Next cycle, we will do the SMEP (sperm meets egg plan) We will BD (baby dance) every other day from CD7 until a positive OPK, then everyday for 3 days, then every other day for another 3 days. If no BFP (big fat positive), we will do IUI with back to back IUIs.

I feel this last cycle was a bust because we missed ovulation. I normally ovulate the day after I trigger, but we did the IUI 2 days later.  The night before IUI, I felt ovulation pains so I know I ovulated about 18 hours before IUI. Hence why I am requesting back to back IUIs to make sure we don't miss it again. We will do 2 IUIs and if nothing IVF next March or April. We might do another IUI before the IVF, but not sure yet.